今天發現有個小工具叫做 ResKnife,這個軟體能在 Mac OS X 下編修 Resource 檔案,解壓後只有 1.3MB,除了是開放源碼的免費軟體,也支援使用第三方的編輯程式。比起以前使用 ResEdit 在 Classic 環境下修改檔案,似乎方便多了。
ResKnife is a resource editor for the Macintosh. It supports resource files in any named fork (data, resource or one of your choosing), runs natively on Mac OS X, as well as classic Mac OS, and allows editing the data fork using any of its editors.
Furthermore, you can export resource data, and it supports third‐party plug‐in editors.
Source code for ResKnife is freely available.